P-05-800 Urgent Appeal for a Welsh Veterans Commissioner for the Health & Wellbeing of Wounded, Injured, Sick and Homeless veterans


This petition was submitted by Nicola Hester and was first considered by the Committee in February 2018, having collected 50 signatures online.


Text of Petition

Here in Wales, I was proud that we were first for a Commissioner for both Children & Young People, and Older Persons. Unfortunately Scotland has beaten us to have a Commissioner for Veterans.


We veterans need someone to be our voice and true representation to the Welsh Government. Not what the "chiefs" want you to know.


We need someone who can meet with us, know our views and what we need. To support those unfortunate who end up in prison instead of having mental health treatment for PTSD.


Assembly Constituency and Region

·         Torfaen 

·         South Wales East